
Personal Support Workers

Our workers provide personal support services to individuals under care and their families in the community, at home or in long-term care facilities and institutions. You can rely on our personal support workers to offer assistance for daily tasks, personal care and hygiene, restorative/activation activities and home management. Although trained to use their best judgment in responding to their clients needs, our personal attendants and personal support workers are not expected to diagnose, assess or respond to acute or unexpected situations (beyond any emergency assistance which might be required).

Housekeeping Aides

Our housekeeping aides work in client's homes and in the community. They help in household management, cleaning, and meal preparation. Personal freedom, individuality, interpersonal skills, safety and abuse awareness are often emphasized in their service.

Social Services Workers

We train our social service staff to work with people who are experiencing distressing events in their lives. These workers help our clients to promote their rights and fulfil their responsibilities in ways that empower them.

Developmental Services

Our workers that are dedicated to developmental service promote health and well-being, life skills and personal empowerment of people with developmental disabilities. Developmental service workers have knowledge and skills, in both theory and practice, in the fields of social service, education and health. Our staff supports people of all ages and backgrounds as well as their families in a large range of community settings.

Child & Youth Workers

We also provide employees who work with troubled children, adolescents (4-18 years old) and their families. You can depend on our staff to implement treatment plans for kids and teens who are withdrawn, depressed or violent, have been involved with the law, have difficulties in learning or badly affected by family conflicts.

These workers can serve the Children's Aid Society of Toronto, open custody group homes for young offenders, residential and day treatment programs in children's mental health centers, schools and psychiatric hospitals. Call us to learn more about our staffing services.




Our Reputable Clients & Partners

Some of our reputable partners and clients include City of Toronto Long Term Care and Senior Services, City of Sudbury Long Term Care, Aptus Treatment Centre, Community Living, Access Independent Living, Salvation Army : Broadview Village, and The Participation House Project Durham, Yorkhill Child and family services, Frontenac Youth Services, DLC Child and Family Services, Oakdale Child and Family Services : all longstanding providers of this vital service.

Caring is more than just our business, it's our mission.

Get in touch with our recruiters by calling our office, or fill out the form below specifying your staffing needs.

Contact Us - Recruiter Form
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